Unit 23 and 24 - "Rei III" and "The Beginning and the End"

Mission Control: We are here to report that we’ve discovered quality gay representation in media from the 90s. A rare mineral we thought was non-existent. We shall defend it with our lives. That’s right. Fan favorite Kaworu Nagisa has arrived to hold, heal, and break dear sweet Shinji’s heart. But before all that: Rei suffers an unpleasant angel infection and explores her loneliness before a big kaboom. Then, welcome to Lore Dump Alley folks! There’s an Adam, there’s a Lilith, there’s Eva’s, there’s humans, there’s a black moon, there’s a Spear of Longinus (tee-hee), there’s Dead Sea Scrolls. This is it! Everything is explained short of what the heck actually is Human Instrumentality. Followed by a loooooooooooong classical pause and theeeeeen… pop.

We’ll see you all on the other side of Instrumentality…

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