#4: Keep Our Courts

Originally Published: 9-18-2016

Find out what happens when a bunch of kids, armed with nothing but basketballs, learn a private real estate developer is trying to bulldoze and develop half a million dollar condos on their public park.

For bonus content from this story visit elstroproduciton.com/blog

Find out more about the Keep Our Courts movement from their Facebook page: Facebook.com/keepourcourts

#3: Fringe Next (Shorts)

Originally Published: 8-16-2016

The Cincinnati Fringe Festival, is a 12-day theatre and arts festival produced by Know Theatre of Cincinnati. It features an accelerator program known as Fringe Next for high school actors and playwrights to produce their own original works in front of a live audience.

Learn how one Cincinnati area teen used the platform to work through some of the struggles he faced during his high school years.

#2: Quest for the Queen

Originally Published: 6-20-2016

Two friends set out a few years ago to create a fun event; hoping to bring joy to a few people's lives for just a day. The result of their grass roots effort is a day long, annual bike race around the city of Cincinnati that combines fantasy, puzzles, and fitness. After implementing a few key rules early in it's planning, they stumbled upon a community building success which is making it's participants feel better connected to their city. We find out what it took to make it happen, why the format is such a success, and get the real race experience by riding along with one of our producers!

Learn more about the race at www.questforthequeen.com

#1: Welcome To Bellwether - The 2016 Presidential Primary in Ohio

Originally Published: 3-13-16

Our pilot episode focuses on the upcoming Presidential Primary Election in Ohio: In a political season rife with loud angry voices looking to shake the foundation of our political and election system as we know it, are there still cooler heads hiding under the surface? Will they prevail as the voting majority? And can we all still get along when it's over?